Focus on Critical Engineering Areas to Commercialize Your Products Profitably
Did you know that 70%-80% of a product’s development costs are determined by the choices made by the engineering department during the design process? This instructive statistic is exactly why engineering teams who seek operational excellence are focusing on the design process. So where should you start in your quest for operational excellence? Studies show […]
Document Control in Today’s Fast-Paced, Ultra-Competitive Environment
Have you ever lost a file on your computer? You know it’s there – you can remember receiving it, but you’ve forgotten who sent it to you or even the name of the file. You try a number of different search techniques for finding it—without any luck. I’ve been there, and it can be really […]
How to Optimize Your Product Operations Processes
Operations executives in companies are being asked to make efficient use of capital and be ready for product commercialization from the ‘get go’ by driving optimization in their product operations processes. Yet, this can be a difficult task — if you don’t have the right resources and processes available to make this happen. Today’s operations […]
What Exactly is a 3rd Generation PLM Solution?
I like to refer to our RitePro software as a 3rd generation PLM solution. You may be wondering what I mean by that terminology. Let me explain. I believe that PLM has gone through two major evolutions in the last 30 or so years. The 1st generation of PLM (late ’80s early ’90s) focused on […]
Take an All-inclusive Approach. Strategy #3 for Implementing Operational Excellence
This is my final topic in a series of blogs on helping you get the funding you need to implement a 21st century PLM solution — one that will let your medical device company move faster than your competition. The first blog laid the groundwork. My second blog highlighted how you need to focus on […]
Make Your CEO and CFO Look Good. Strategy #2 to Get Funding for Operational Excellence
This is my 3rd in a series of four blogs on helping you get funding to implement a 21st century PLM solution – a solution that will allow your business to move faster than your competition. The first blog laid the groundwork for operational excellence. My second blog highlighted how you need to focus on […]
Focus On Quality – Strategy #1 for Getting Funding for Operational Excellence
In my last blog I discussed how implementing 3 simple strategies would help you get the funding you need to implement a 21st century PLM solution – a solution that will let you move faster than your competition. In this blog, I will provide you with the first strategy that is essential for medical device […]
3 Simple Strategies for Medical Device Companies to Get Funding for a 21st Century PLM Solution
The key to being ahead of your competition is speed– the agility to release new products on tight design timelines. Yet, often medical device companies are slowed by unexpected setbacks in quality or productivity. FDA monitoring and review also present hurdles that can slow your ability to accelerate growth. To solve this challenge, many of […]
A better PLM solution that can be used by the entire company
You can tell you’ve deployed a winning software product when the entire company is using it — and singing its praises. That’s the case with Topcon Medical Laser Systems (TMLS), a medical device manufacturer of innovative laser technology. TMLS was using product lifecycle management (PLM) software that failed to meet the needs of their entire […]
Streamline regulatory compliance with intelligent software and a vision for operational excellence
Every medical device company faces stringent regulatory requirements. Topcon Medical Laser Systems (TMLS) is no different. Their PASCAL® lasers are used to treat a variety of retinal conditions that give physicians more control, which leads to improved outcomes for patients with ocular disease. Prior to 2011, TMLS was using product lifecycle management (PLM) software that […]